

At Ananda Labs, our unique set of factors, refined over a decade of research, allows us to develop personalized therapies for a wide range of age-related diseases and conditions, impacting billions worldwide. Unlike most treatments that merely alleviate symptoms, our goal is to address the root causes of these conditions.

We focus on rejuvenating the immune system, restoring vision, and improving skin health to combat issues such as wrinkles, skin damage, and hair loss. Our cutting-edge pipeline aims to achieve what current medicine cannot—curing or significantly treating conditions once deemed incurable.


Our Mission in Dermal Treatments

Our missionin dermal treatments

Skin Fibroblast Rejuvenation

Fibroblasts are crucial skin cells responsible for maintaining skin elasticity and synthesizing the extracellular matrix and collagen. As we age, fibroblasts lose their ability to provide mechanical support, leading to skin sagging, wrinkles, and other abnormalities. Our approach involves rejuvenating one’s own fibroblast cells to restore 40%-50% of their youthful characteristics. These rejuvenated fibroblasts are then reinserted into the skin, offering long-lasting elasticity and a healthier appearance

Our treatment aims to improve and address:

  • Wrinkles
  • Skin damage
  • Scars

Hair Loss

Our long-term mission is to research how to reverse hair loss and rejuvenate hair using our patented factors and new factors that we will develop. The potential market includes billions of people.

Reverse White Hair

We aim to research how to reverse white hair to its original color using our patented factors and new factors that we will develop.


Our vision:

Initial Consultation

Cell Expansion

Cell Rejuvenation


Our Procedure for Skin Rejuvenation


Initial Consultation

The patient will visit our clinic for an initial consultation. During this visit, our specialists at Ananda Labs will examine the affected areas and provide a detailed explanation of the treatment process, including the timeline and expected results.


Cell Expansion

In the next step, the patient will return to our clinic, where a small skin biopsy will be taken from behind the ear. This biopsy is minimally invasive and typically leaves no visible scars. The extracted skin cells, specifically fibroblasts, will be isolated and cultured in our state-of-the-art laboratory to increase their numbers.


Cell Rejuvenation

Once we have a sufficient number of fibroblasts, we will rejuvenate these cells using our patented technology. This process involves reprogramming the cells to restore their youthful characteristics, enhancing their ability to repair and regenerate skin tissue.



After a few weeks, the rejuvenated cells will be ready for reinsertion. The patient will revisit our clinic, where the rejuvenated cells will be carefully injected into the targeted areas to promote skin regeneration and rejuvenation.

Future Developments

In addition to the injection procedure, we are actively researching the development of a topical cream that will allow patients to apply our rejuvenating factors at home. This topical treatment aims to provide an accessible and convenient option for ongoing skin rejuvenation.

Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is characterized by the deterioration of macula photoreceptor cells, causing central vision loss. Early detection is crucial, as visual impairment from retinal damage is permanent and can only be slowed, not reversed.

Our aim is to cure this disease, save people’s sight, and prevent blindness. The treatment will be performed by an eye doctor who will inject our factor-based medicine into the patient’s eyes.

Immune System Rejuvenation

As the global population ages, age-related diseases are placing an ever-increasing burden on Western societies—economically, socially, and personally. A central factor in these conditions is a progressively dysfunctional immune system, which becomes less effective at fighting infections, responding to vaccinations, and regulating inflammation as we age.

The decline in immune function, known as immunosenescence, leads to a higher susceptibility to infections, chronic diseases, and cancer. Moreover, it contributes to the development of autoimmune disorders, where the immune system mistakenly attacks the body’s own tissues. This immune deterioration significantly impacts the quality of life and increases healthcare costs.

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