Prof. Yosef (Yossi) Buganim

Co-Founder, CSO

Prof. Buganim is an associate professor at the faculty of medicine at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Buganim received his undergraduate degrees from Bar-Ilan University and a Ph.D. degree from Weizmann Institute of Science. His postdoctoral training on nuclear reprogramming techniques he conducted at the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, MIT. Buganim was the first to generate induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) without “Yamanaka’s factors” and his own group is pioneering the conversion of skin cells into placental stem cells and was the first to demonstrate the induction of all the three early embryo cell types with one combination of factors. Currently, the Buganim’s lab is focused on developing new paradigms to convert skin cells into various medically-relevant cell types and harness their unique expertise in nuclear reprogramming to rejuvenate elderly cells for treating various aging-related diseases. Buganim received many prestigious international grants and awards such as the ERC starting grant, EMBO YIP, HHMI, The 2016 award for “Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine” by Science and Science translational medicine magazines and Boyalife company, The 2016 KY Cha award for “Stem Cell Technology” by the American society for reproductive medicine, the 2017 Krill prize for “Excellence in Scientific Research” by the Wolf foundation and the 2017 Sir Zelman Cowen Universities Funds prize for “Discovery in Medical Research”. 


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